Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rules for life!

I've been working on this today, taking stuff from various other lists to make my own, I need to jet right away, so I apologize for any spelling mistakes, or errors in grammer.

  1. Life is not fair, get over it.
  2. Life is too short to hang onto hate.
  3. Forgive, but never forget.
  4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will. Stay in touch.
  5. Don't worry about winning arguments, worry about finding solutions.
  6. Don't carry a balance on your credit card.
  7. Never let your gas tank run below 1/4.
  8. Be good to your local businesses.
  9. Cry with someone, not alone, and never let a loved one cry alone, share their tears.
  10. Save money every month, no matter how little.
  11. Don't save things for special occassions, live life NOW!
  12. Be strange, life is more interesting once you don't give a shit what people think of you.
  13. You are responsible for your own happiness.
  14. Time heals.
  15. Growing old is better than dying young.
  16. All that truly matter in life, are the ones we love and those who love us, the rest is just stuff.
  17. Accept the past and move on.
  18. Count to 10, once the words are out there, they cannot be taken back.
  19. Day dream.
  20. Dress like today is important, because it is.
  21. Laugh alot, especially at yourself.
  22. Smile.
  23. Give of yourself.
  24. Think!
  25. Be the first to say sorry.
  26. Never stop talking, to all who you love.
  27. Be a good and active friend.
  28. Take pictures.
  29. Travel.
  30. Don't just stand there, don't let life pass you by.
  31. Step outside your comfort zone.
  32. If you lack self confidence, fake it, no one can tell the difference.
  33. Use good manners.
  34. Live up to your word.
  35. Meditate.
  36. Don't lie to yourself.
  37. Reflect on your blessings.
  38. Phone calls or visits > Emails/Text/Instant Messages
  39. Do things with passion.
  40. Read everyday.
  41. Don't be an asshole.
  42. Be original, don't follow the herd.
  43. Learn to cook, much joy can be found in the kitchen, especially with other people.
  44. Life is really about other people, never forget its people who matter, don't be materialistic.
  45. Do as little harm as possible.