Notice anything about my MSN contacts list?
No ads!
I find the ads at the bottom of my MSN window to be really irritating, so I wanted to get rid of them, turns out there are plenty of programs you can download to stop these ads. I really don't feel like downloading a program which could contain viruses or trojans just to stop these ads, so I haven't bothered.
It turns out there is a quick and simple way to stop these ads from appearing. This is a trick which does not involve hacking MSN at all.
Add the following two lines to your host file (host file can be found here c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\host), you can edit this file with notepad: rad.msn.com rad.live.com
The two names listed above are the ad servers for MSN, so all you are doing is pointing that address at your own computer, so MSN doesnt pull any ads from the remote server!
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